Logo animation

If you offer video content on your site, on your Youtube or Vimeo channel, or on your social pages, you may decide to start it with a small animation of your logo: in our field we call it “logo animation” or “logo reveal“.

Short teaser that shows different ways to use a Logo Animation

The main feature of this type of animation is to reinforce your brand image, presenting you with an impeccable and recognizable tailored “dress”. In fact, your logo animation will be the cover of all the videos you are going to develop.
Its support action for your brand will be even stronger if it is also combined with a musical jingle, designed to be unique, original, recognizable.

We could make thousands of examples, but just think of all the series that are published on Netflix: each episode of each series begins with the N of the logo accompanied with a simple musical note, played by a synthesizer that gives it a real personality that anyone of us is able to remember.

Technically it is a video of a few seconds (from 4 to 15 to get an idea) that “reveals” your logo and closes itself quickly.

Over the years I have had the task of studying the logo design of a company several times. For some time now it has been very easy for me to be asked not only to develop the logo, but also an animation that involves and gives it personality.

Case histories:

The logo animations I have released are inside corporate videos so I prefer to post here just some examples I have done for myself and my brand.